Bach Cantata Day Information:
Coronation of August III as King of Poland
Occurs every February 19th. Not a liturgical day.
Music for this day
- Blast Lärmen, ihr Feinde, BWV 205a
(first performance 19 February 1734, Leipzig period)
On January 17 1734 the Elector of Saxony, Friedrich August II, was crowned King of Poland as August III. Bach created the cantata Blast Lärmen, ihr Feinde, BWV 205a, for this occasion. For reason unknown it was not performed in January on the day itself, but saw its first performance on February 11th 1734 at the Café Zimmermann in Leipzig.
The cantata itself is lost unfortunately, but it is a parody of Zerreißet, zersprenget, zertrümmert die Gruft, BWV 205, a cantata he wrote 9 years earlier for the name day of Dr. August Friedrich Müller of the University of Leipzig. The libretto is probably by Picander.
Again we need to thank Alexander Grychtolik for the reconstruction of this lost parody cantata, starting from that original.
WBCF0219-Coronation of August III as King of Poland
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Image of the day
![Coronation mantle of Augustus III which he wore on January 17 1734. National Museum in Warsaw.](/assets/images/post-images/coronation-mantle-of-augustus-iii.jpg)
Coronation mantle of Augustus III which he wore on January 17 1734. National Museum in Warsaw.