Bach Cantata Day Information:
Ratswechsel 1742
Occurs every August 29th. Not a liturgical day.
Music for this day
- Gott, man lobet dich in der Stille, BWV 120
(first performance 29 August 1742, Leipzig period)
This day offers you the fourth Leipzig Ratswechsel cantata, this one for the occasion in 1742. Gott, man lobet dich in der Stille, BWV 120, has parts which appeared in a wedding cantata (BWV 120a) and a cantata (BWV 120b) commemorating the Augsburg Confession in 1730. Bach also reworked the choral second movement for the Symbolum Nicenum of his Mass in B minor (BWV 232).
Extra information
The Netherlands Bach Society website has more information and a performance of BWV 120:
WBCF0829-Ratswechsel 1742
Choose one of these streaming services to listen to this playlist:
Image of the day

View of the city of Leipzig centered on the main square and the Altes Rathaus (Old Town Hall) from 1712.